/r/CFB logo /r/CFB Rules

1. Be a productive contributor

Posting content that deceives or harms others is prohibited, as is other user behavior that is destructive to the community, including but not limited to ban evasion, deliberately spreading false information, and other destructive behavior. Users who act destructively may have their content removed or be outright banned at the moderators' discretion.

Additionally, review Reddit's sitewide rules. While the rules on this page are enforced by the volunteer subreddit moderator team, the sitewide rules are enforced by Reddit admins. They can be contacted by messaging Reddit with any questions.

2. No personal attacks or harassment

As Reddit’s site-wide content policy states, Remember The Human. Using personal attacks against other users or harassing other users violates this rule.

Examples of personal attacks include but are not limited to behavior such as name-calling, questioning someone’s intelligence, and otherwise treating people in a way you yourself would not want to be treated. Friendly ribbing and trash talk is part of sports fandom, and is fine. This can be a narrow line sometimes, so if you're not sure, tread carefully. Such comments must also not violate any other rules.

Harassment can take many forms, and examples include but are not limited to post-stalking, writing threats, wishing harm on other users.

3. No joking or trash talk about sexual assault or violence

Only serious discussion is allowed about serious crimes, injuries, and death so jokes and trash talk stemming from these subjects are prohibited. If you're not sure, err on the side of caution. This includes, but is not limited to:

4. No racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, transphobia, or other bigotry

Using any comment that is demeaning, racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, or bigoted in any way is not allowed. This also applies to jokes about mental and developmental disabilities.

5. No personal info

You may not post any personal information of private individuals. That means: no names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, Facebook links, or anything else that might identify someone. This applies whether or not you have permission from the person.

For more information about what is considered personal information (and other Reddit sitewide rules), refer to the Reddit Content Policy and their definition of personal information. We're bound by site rules to enforce this strictly.

6. Do not spam

Posting the same or similar links, posts, or comments repeatedly in a short time frame may result in a ban.

Posting links to external sites for the primary purpose of generating income is forbidden and may result in an account suspension, ban and/or a domain ban. Instead, we recommend purchasing an ad.

Posting fundraiser links without mod permission is also considered spam.

7. No annoying or superfluous bots

If your bot randomly wanders into /r/CFB and is annoying users or not serving a specific purpose, you can expect it to be banned. Don't take it personally - we just prefer to keep the bot fluff to a minimum.

We do make exceptions for certain bots on a case-by-case basis. If you are unsure of whether your bot will be welcomed at /r/CFB, send us a modmail and we will be happy to review.

8. No politics or religion

College football is inherently political. However, avoid any political/religious discussion or threads unless it's directly related to a college football issue that’s being discussed. Such comments must abide by all other /r/CFB Rules.

9. No linking to removed and/or deleted content

We do not permit linking to removed and/or deleted posts and comments or to sites that are designed to get around those removals and/or deletions. We also do not permit comments redirecting other users to removed comments or posts in any way. This rule also includes bots that overwrite past comments.

Do not message the moderators until you have read this in full. Doing so could prolong your ban. In particular before messaging please note:

If a rule is broken with intent, we often start with a suspension. This helps us meet the primary goal of quickly cleaning up posts that break the rules and preventing widespread rule violations.

If your ban is 5 or more days, you can appeal it following these steps. An appeal is a chance to have your ban reconsidered, but is not a guarantee.

1. Find which rule you may have violated by reading the /r/CFB Rules thoroughly

2. Fill out the appeal form here.

3. Wait for a moderator to reply

Additional notes

If you are banned, you have probably broken the /r/CFB Rules (See above). There are three levels of corrective action that we can take:

  1. Warning: A message from the moderators for minor offenses that alerts you of a rule violation.
  2. Suspension: A temporary ban from the /r/CFB, after which you can return.
  3. Ban: A permanent ban from /r/CFB.

Which action is applied to you is a function of the severity of the infraction, whether you are a repeat offender. Additionally, on high traffic days (particularly on game days) we tend to be less lenient simply because we lack the bandwidth to be gentle.


A warning comes in the form of a message from /r/CFB, and is generally reserved for rule violations that are inadvertent or borderline. There are no specific penalties from a warning, but do note that if you get one there will be less leniency for future infractions. You are not guaranteed to receive a warning for your first offense, as these are given out under very specific conditions.


Suspensions are temporary bans, and are given out as a corrective measure to curb rule-breaking behavior. Suspensions are often given out as an official warning for blatant rule breaking. Bans disable commenting on or submitting to /r/CFB. If your suspension is under 5 days, it will not be reviewed. Longer suspensions may be reviewed if and only if you follow the instructions on this page. The length of your suspension is proportional to the severity of the infraction. If you are suspended we suggest cooling off and reflect on how you can change your posting habits to avoid running into problems again.


Permanent bans are issued on occasion to flagrant violators who are unlikely to be productive members of the community, generally limited to spammers, trolls, and repeat offenders. If the message you receive does not say it is temporary, then it is permanent. It is rare that we lift a permanent ban, but you may apply for clemency by following the directions below.

Bans are reviewed exclusively in Moderator Mail. We won't discuss bans in private messages, nor publicly on the subreddit. Attempting to discuss your ban in any other place (via PM or by making another account to post on the subreddit) will work against you.

Modmail is a semi-private forum that all moderators can view. All official /r/CFB moderation discussions and decisions, including bans, are handled by the moderators as a team. Reviewing bans in modmail where all moderators can see it promotes transparency and allows all moderators to weigh in on a situation as needed.

Modmail is not like other types of messages on Reddit, so if you have never had a conversation in modmail before, here are some screenshots to show you what it looks like:

To begin a conversation in modmail, simply respond to the message you were sent informing you that you were banned. If you were not banned and you want to talk to the us anyway, or you cannot find the ban message in your inbox, you can always just message us directly using the "Message the Moderators" link in the sidebar. If you get responses from multiple moderators, it is not necessary to reply to each of them. A response sent to one moderator can be seen by all the moderators.

The following is a list of bad ways to react to getting banned. These reduce the chances of an appeal and increase the chances of a permanent ban

Deleting offending post(s).


Pointing toward others' behavior as an excuse

Insulting the Mods, Rules, or Other Users

Playing the Victim

Sending a Private Message to Individual Mods

Spamming Modmail

Create Another Account to Avoid the Ban

You said mods don't warn people in threads, so why do I see them warning people sometimes?

When the subreddit is not very busy, or all is quiet on the moderating front, mods will sometimes take the time to explain the warning publicly instead of banning. Public warnings are also given in some instances where moderators feel a more visible reminder of the rules could benefit other people in addition to the user they are directly responding to (as a sort of PSA).

You guys haven't responded to me about my ban. What gives?

We're not so busy that we don't see most modmail that comes in fairly quickly. If you haven't gotten a response for a while, one of these things might be in play:

  1. The mods aren't around. There's not always someone watching modmail. If you send a message late at night, for example, be patient until at least the next day.
  2. The mods are busy. If it's gameday, or some other major event is happening, we might be tied up in that and unable to respond right away. Keep this in mind and try to be patient.
  3. The mods are discussing your ban internally. If you have been banned before, or your case is more than just a simple flamebait comment or something, we might be talking about how to deal with your case before letting you know.
  4. The mods are ignoring you. If you did something that was pretty obviously malicious, then we will probably ignore requests to review your ban. We reserve the right to do this for any ban where we think it is justified, and for any temp ban of 2 days or less (see Temporary bans section above).


Shadowbans are a sitewide disciplinary action from Reddit that makes it impossible for others to see your posts. The /r/CFB Mods have no control over this, and your only recourse is messaging the reddit admins.

I read the rules and this policy, but I don't know what I did wrong.

If this is really the case, reply to your ban message and let us know. If you're honestly confused, we'll usually be willing to explain things for you.


Our policy on post approval has evolved over the years, and continues to evolve. In general, we abide by our mission statement: /r/CFB is a welcoming community celebrating fun, camaraderie, and creativity in all of college football.

A much more detailed breakdown of specific edge cases is below. There are special guidelines for Game Threads, Post Game Threads, Recruiting Threads, and Draft Posts in separate tabs at the top.

Feel free to ask us in modmail beforehand if you're not sure whether something would be approved!


You may not receive a notification or warning if your thread is removed. If your thread is removed and you want to know why, send a polite modmail requesting clarification. You may also receive a ban for such posts.

Minimum ParticipationYou need to participate as a commenter in the subreddit first before posting, so that you can best get a feel for sub dynamics, culture, and rules.
Posts that have their own weekly threadIf there is already a weekly thread for a particular type of content, please keep that content in that thread. For example, image highlights belong in the weekly Image/Video/GIF thread, and during the season posts about realignment belong as a top level comment in the weekly realignment thread. You can find the Weekly Schedule here.
RepostsMake a good-faith effort to check whether or not the exact content you want to post has already been posted.
Under 2 SentencesAll text-only posts must have a minimum of 2 sentences.
Simple QuestionsAny questions easily answered by the first result on Google.
More than 3 posts per dayTo keep spam down, we limit users to three posts per day. This includes recruiting posts. Please follow the recruiting guidelines as listed in the "Recruiting Post Rules" section.
Anything not CFB-relatedDirect posts that aren't college football-related to /r/CFBOffTopic.
NSFW contentUnless it is 100%, absolutely, directly related to CFB and clearly labeled, no NSFW content.
News about the NFL and other former playersNews about a player leaving a team is relevant to /r/CFB. This includes declaring for the NFL draft, being drafted, or signing with a team as an UDFA immediately following the NFL draft. Any further news about a player who is not on a college football team is not relevant to /r/CFB. Exceptions are allowed if the news is focused on their time at the school as a player or otherwise relevant to college football in the present. Exceptions are also allowed for significant life events such as death, diagnosis of a terminal illness or other similar significant news regarding former players and coaches.
Streaming LinksDo not link to illegal stream sites. In addition, any links in comments or posts to full games will be removed.
Images, gifs, streamablesAll link posts just to images, gifs, Streamables, and similar, will be removed automatically. This applies to imgur and other image hosts. You may submit them as self posts ("Submit Text") providing context for discussion, or preferably as comments in related threads. We often have official threads that are a more appropriate forum for these.
MemesImage macros and meme content are not allowed. Post them to /r/cfbmemes instead.
Copycat PostsPosts that copy other posts without sufficient novelty will be considered memes and removed.
Editoralized titlesIf you're posting a link to another site, and want to let your opinion about it be known, post the link and put your opinion in the comments. Don't editorialize the title.
Team/Fanbase attack ThreadsNegative news and editorials are allowed, but discussion threads designed specifically to put down other teams or fan bases are not allowed. This includes examples such as "Which fanbase is most delusional" and "Which team do you irrationally hate".
No link shortener URLsThis includes URLs from t.co, tinyurl, ow.ly, bit.ly, youtu.be, goo.gl, etc. Some types of shortened URLs such as Google Maps links or youtu.be links are generally OK in comments, but avoid them where possible. Link shorteners are unnecessary for posts, and comments should use markdown instead.
Word-for-word pasting of paywall contentTo avoid copyright issues, posts and comments that contain word-for-word copies of paywalled content (including, but not limited to, sites like The Athletic, On3, 247/Rivals, etc.) will be removed. Writing your own article summary or list (in the case of "top ten" or ranking articles) is acceptable.
Old or out of date articlesWe allow posts about college football history. We generally do not allow posts or reposts of out of date, older articles as new news. Please check the date of the link you are submitting before submitting it. Self posts containing links to past articles are acceptable so long as they provide context for why the article is relevant.
Posts asking about /r/CFB itselfPosts concerning /r/CFB itself rather than college football are not allowed and should be posted to /r/CFBMeta instead. Questions about specific moderation decisions should be asked in modmail.
Research without ApprovalIf you are doing research for a university class or degree you must (1) have IRB approval or equivalent cleared with appropriate people at the university and the mod team, (2) message the mods before posting, and (3) abide by all other rules of the subreddit.
Buy/Sell/Trade PostsDo not make posts requesting purchases, sales or trades for any goods or services. We're not Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. This rule is to protect our users from potential scams and prevent the sub from turning into a virtual garage sale.
Unsourced StatementsAny text posts that are rumors or statements of fact must have a linked source in the submission text.
Game threads must be requested through the Game Thread Generator available here. The system will automatically post the Post Game Thread on your behalf. Poorly done game threads, particularly if repeated, may result in your being blocked from claiming future games.
Posts about recruits and transferring players must follow the following rules for title and content. Any posts not adhering to these rules are subject to removal.

Draft Posts

Posts about players declaring for the Draft must follow the following rules for title and content. Any posts not adhering to these rules are subject to removal.


New Recruits: Commitments and Decommitments

New Recruits: Flips

New Commits: Special Teams



Undergraduate Transfers

Graduate Transfers

Portal / Draft


I'm Staying

NFL Draft

Praise Portal!